Some of you might be wondering where Nazareth is and why there is a page about the boys basketball team. Well, Nazareth is a small town of 300 people in the Panhandle of Texas. The reason for having a page is because of the great tradition of basketball at Nazareth. Ask anyone in the Texas Panhandle who the best 1A basketball teams in Texas are and Nazareth will be on their list. No doubt about it, Nazareth is a town full of basketball tradition. This page was meant to give everyone a front row seat for Nazareth basketball. 

This page will soon have info pages for every player. Records for the teams all the way back to 1975 will be posted soon. When next season starts, schedules, player stats, and team standings will be put up.
 Read a newspaper article about Naz from last year. Read another from the same time.
Blake's Greeting Cards

All images, Copyright � Blake Birkenfeld & Kade Wilcox, 1998. All rights reserved. Use or reproduction of these images is prohibited without written consent of Blake or Kade. |